the basic need to know stuff
we are sure you've gone through the motions repeatedly over the last few years and we're positive that you hate reading over rule page after rule page but we ask you to hang with us for a minute. as usual your character journals should be in character without underscores, numbers or letters that don't appear in your character's name anywhere.

setting up & applying: you are expected to have an ooc and ic post up and both should be backdated. your ooc post should include basic character information on your character. first, middle and last name, birthday and age, occupation, college background, etc! right now we do not require a blurb but we do think it will be helpful to have one so we encourage it. when commenting with your examples please note that we expect to see narrative and threading examples. two of each would be great, but at least one at the bare minimum. if we feel we need to see more we will ask you to provide some. link us to your examples in a custom or an example journal but do not pm us examples or copy and paste them into comments in the screened post.

reviving your old characters: this is an odd thing to have to point out but we want to encourage people to feel comfortable reviving old characters if they'd like to here. the road has been long and so many communities have come and gone and creating a new character can be hard and tiresome. when bringing characters from your past just make sure that you're coming in with a fresh mindset and that you're not just coming to revive an old community atmosphere. reach out to everyone so that we have a chance to make this last. <

bringing in more than one character: we do allow multiple characters but we ask that you bring in no more than 2. we want you to be able to keep up and we feel it would likely be hard to keep up with more than that with the activity expected from you monthly. be sure to let us know in the inbox when bringing in a second.

activity expectations
as you know a community cannot function without activity. your first and most important priority should always be the friend's page. we want this to be a community that encourages writing and thoughtful character development.

updates: you will be expected to post two times in a monthly cycle: one update & one interactive post. narratives, in-depth photoshop/mixed media updates and first person entries will all count toward your monthly update activity. we currently do not have a word count but we ask that you use your best judgement. instagram updates, playlists, lyric and general question posts do not count as updates but you may feel free to use those as your monthly interactive posts.

removals: we will do removals on the first of every month. these removals will include anyone that has not met the above activity requirements. during each month we will routinely monitor friends lists to see who is updating and who isn't. if your friends list is out of date 10+ days you will be removed without warning. if you will be gone for over 7 days we suggest you take a small hiatus so that you don't get lumped in with these removals. if we feel it's necessary, we will hold activity checks every so often just to clear the dead weight.

wire, r.abbit, plugdj
we don't want to snuff out all activity ideas but we are saying absolutely no wire here at colorado. not everyone can use it, not everyone wants to and it creates a divide between the people that can and the people that can't. it causes the entire community to suffer when even just a handful of people sit on it and ignore their customs and the fp. you have many options in pbads if you'd like to incorporate wire into your experience and we suggest you go there for that. we will compromise and allow movie nights, chats and plug dj once every week or two at the most. we don't want to see these off site activities happening daily or even every other day.

last updated: november 14, 2018